The research group Res-Arquitectura. Research, Conservation and Dissemination of Architectural Heritage at the Universitat Politècnica de València was set up in 1998 and is currently part of the PEGASO Research Centre. Since then we have worked on the research of monumental and vernacular architectural heritage; the publication and dissemination of research; heritage conservation and protection; raising awareness among specialists and the widespread public; sustainable development cooperation; and the creation of new architectural constructions linked to local heritage and culture.
In this time we have directed and taken part in numerous R&D&i projects awarded through competition calls, and contracts with administrations, companies and private bodies. We have also undertaken training and awareness exercises, supervised masters’ and doctoral theses, organized international conferences and seminars, and published reference books and papers. We continue to have an extensive network of collaboration with researchers and institutions of reference in the field of architectural heritage restoration and conservation both in Spain and abroad.
This group is also part of the UNESCO-Unitwin Chair in Earthen Architecture, Constructive Culture and Sustainable Development, which it coordinates in Spain.